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Angels (天使 tenshi) are spiritual beings portrayed as heralds of God. Angels are depicted to be serene, loving and positive. Anthropologically, angels are depicted to be "pure contingent spirits". They are supposed to be God's paraphernalia and depicted to be the immaterial voice of god. Their role is to support and guide humans and fulfil God's tasks.

Although many different religions have different beliefs about angels.

Angel in Rogen[edit | edit source]

In the Rogen Project, angels are known to protect the humans around Himawashi and exterminate the youkai whenever they see as a threat. They can hide their identity by shielding itself from their element or by wearing a armored helmet.

Archangel[edit | edit source]

Archangels are the highest ranking angels who are often associated with their patronage and they also act like teachers to aspiring angels. Their physical appearance are described as tall, large colourful-winged beings who often carry the attributes and personality based on their description.

When they want to hide their identity, they turn into spiritual winged orb and are helpful with guiding their mains along the journey. Two examples being Raphael with Horosha Maryoku and Uriel with Brunhilda.

Nephilim[edit | edit source]

Nephilims are the hybrid offsprings of a human and an angel. The darker side is known as sinister whilst the lighter side is known as a dexter.

Characters under these species[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]

  • Wikipedia entry for Angel
  • Touhou Wiki's entry for Angel Thwiki.png