Mikora Amanine

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アマニ根 巫ら
Mikora Amanine
Rg01Mikora Amanine.png
Species Magician
Abilities Using psychic energy and creating the positivity and the negativity
Age 26 years old
Occupation Librarian, Sorceress
Location Secret Area inside The Hidden Portal
Music Themes
Coming Soon
Official Games

Mikora Amanine (アマニ根 巫ら Amanine Mikora) is a enigmatic librarian and sorceress who owns a mysterious library located in one of the portals. She is Tobi Takashi's partner and master to two assistants, Meika Midorikawa and Kesu Kakikaeru.

General Information[edit | edit source]

Mikora Amanine is the enigmatic being that hides behind a secret portal located in front of the Sun. She, along with Tobi, is the reason why Anlyn was "experimented" to bring life to Himawashi all by using a secret book. She guesses her prediction by using some psychic spells.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Mikora is known to have a calm yet diligent person and would always find out answers if you ask her a question. She is intelligent but will speak with a quiet tone since she works in a library. Most of her expressions are deadpan but will make a smirk if she wants a challenge or accepting a fortunate wish.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Using psychic energy and creating the positivity and the negativity

Mikora possesses a strange ability in which by using the energy, she can predict anything related to events or what happens to the person within the next thing they do next. She can control the positivity and negativity by measuring out the spells from her grimoire or by chanting out some mystical words.

Background Information[edit | edit source]

Origin[edit | edit source]

Mikora is mainly based off Patchouli Knowledge from the Touhou series as both are librarians, share a similar-ish hairstyle and are known to have elemental type spells. Opposite to her basis, she only produce darker spells.

According to Sophietta, she is also inspired slightly of Accord from the Drakengard series since both are known to have knowledge. The creator also calls her "an dark, edgy and evil version of her".

Name[edit | edit source]

Her name Mikora Amanine (アマニ根 巫ら) is of a Japanese origin and has a strange sounding. Her first name Mikora (巫ら) comes from a merge of two kanjis as it means "prophet" (巫) and "follower" (ら), presumably fitting her character. Her surname Amanine (アマニ根) could mean "two roots of Ama" which possible refers to Mt. Ama, the mountain in Himawashi but it's unknown about the roots.

Design[edit | edit source]

Mikora has long dark purple hair made in a similar style to a hime-cut and violet eyes. She wears a white blouse tied round with a mauve and purple neckerchief. She also has a black tailcoat-like jacket decorated with blue and gold patterns with a brown belt on her waist, on it is a gold buckle. The inside of the tail part of her jacket are lilac and blue alongside with a matching vest. Mikora also wears a purple and gold skirt with white frills attached at the bottom of it, wears folded white socks and black boots decorated with brown soles and straps. She also carries a blue and gold grimoire.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Search of the Sun God[edit | edit source]

In Search of the Sun God, Mikora appears as a Extra Boss.

Interests[edit | edit source]

Likes[edit | edit source]

Dislikes[edit | edit source]

  • Being interrupted
  • When her spells fail

Additional Information[edit | edit source]

  • Mikora is 5'1 in height.

References[edit | edit source]